Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sweet Relief

I have to say that after our first visit with our lawyer in deciding to delcare Chapter 7 bankruptcy, I experienced a couple instances of utter relief.  First of all, just the act of making a decision (even though I knew it was going to crush us) was liberating.  It felt good to take a forward step and stop dithering in uncertainty.

Also, immediately after the meeting, I was able to confidently pick up the phone when creditors called and say, "I'm sorry, because of financial difficulties, we've decided to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  I've been advised to refer all calls of this type to our lawyer."

And voila - gave them lawyer's name and phone number (sometimes address too) and that was that.  For the most part, everyone was VERY NICE about it.  These customer service reps were suddenly trying to put me at ease, make me smile and two even said, "We look forward to doing business with you again in the future." 

It was a very different experience than I'd anticipated.   It led to more peace in our lives, as the phone line hasn't been lighting up like a Christmas tree for the past three weeks, and when it does ring, I can answer it in anticipation that it'll be a friend or family member or someone whom I want to talk to.

I'm sure there's more stress and uncertainty and grief down the line, but for right now, I've enjoyed our June reprieve.

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