Thursday, July 1, 2010

Slow Going

Now that we've pulled the trigger on our BK decision, it seems to be slow going.  We were supposed to have a second appointment with our lawyer yesterday, but I had to reschedule because Mr. Fix-It had a work conflict.  So now we're waiting til July 9.  Mainly, I just want all this worst part to be over so that we can move on to the business of repairing our credit.

Not that money emergencies don't continue to pop up on a near-daily basis around here.  Last weekend, we had some horrible summer thunder-and-wind storms roll through.  We woke up Saturday morning to one of the big trees in our backyard in a horizontal position instead of vertical.  The top branches cracked right off and have now created a bid jungle mess in the backyard. 

Also, as we found out last night when our tree removal friend came to look over the job, one big branch is laying on the roof of the house.  It's already started to buckle the soffit and facia area.  Who knows how damaged the shingles are underneath.

Supposedly this is what homeowner's insurance is for, but our deductible is so bloody high, I just don't even know if making the claim will be worth it.  I'm calling our agent this afternoon, of course, just to see what our best course of action will be.

Oh, and the brakes on my husband's truck are starting to squeal.  He's assuming he's going to need new front brakes sooner rather than later.

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